A little Realness mixed with Brow Photo Editing + Social Media Planning

I started this blog as a way to connect with all of you, and offer you a resource for tips and tricks not only about Microblading, but help with the behind the scenes part of running a Brow or beauty business.

Given the current circumstances I want to be really real with you today.  I am still a practicing Microblading artist- and have had to shut down and stop seeing clients, like I'm sure many of you already have.  Although, I made the choice willingly to close my business and have been home self-isolating for just under 2 weeks now, yesterday our provincial government just mandated that all Personal service business must close. 

I know that alot of you may be in the same boat, so I wanted to share that I'm right there with you.  I am still going to share a Brow Tip with you today- something that you can do while you home to still be working on your business, and I know there is tons of this going around right now on social media and other blogs.  And if it's making you feel overwhelmed or like you're not doing enough, thats ok.  Its all about balance- do what feels right to you at the time. I've been spending my days really working on my businesses because staying busy feels normal to me, and then spending the evenings having a couple drinks with my husband, binging on some Netflix (Anyone else watch Tiger King???)  But to be completely real with you I did take a whole day off earlier this week because of a headache that knocked me on my ass and just would not allow my eyes to focus on a screen anymore. 

Anyways- all I'm trying to say is do you.  SO heres this weeks Tips all about Editing your Brow Photos and Planning out your Social Media.

Step 1: Photo Editing
I use the Facetune App to edit my brow photos. Let me add, that when I say edit my photos I mean ever so slightly.⁠

  • Touch up any large skin imperfections using the “Patch” feature⁠
  • Smooth out redness and bumps in the skin using the “Smooth” feature. ⁠

I do NOT touch up the brows or any area too close to the brows. We don’t want to take away from the actual work, or mislead our potential clients.⁠ ⁠

I then use the editing feature in iPhotos to adjust and or rotate my photo so it is the exact angle that I want it to be.⁠ ⁠

Step 2: Plan out Content ⁠ ⁠
I load all of my edited brow photos into Later⁠. Later is a Social media planning app/website- I use it for Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.

Honestly, I couldn’t live without it and they have both Free and Paid plans.⁠ ⁠ From here you can organize your brow photos, add other content and plan out your feed using their “Preview” feature.⁠ ⁠

Once you’ve decided on what photos to share, add captions- I find its always best to choose photos first and then write captions based on the photos. The reverse can be much more difficult.⁠ ⁠

Generally, I like to plan out content a week at a time- but if you have lots of photos saved up, and time you can get 2 weeks or a month ahead

Pro tip: Use you captions to engage, teach and inform your followers/potential clients- your picture will grab their attention, but your caption will make them stay, want to engage, learn more, you, ask you questions and book appointments⁠ ⁠ ⁠

Please note: I am not affiliated with any of these apps- just find them really helpful ⁠


Can you relate to how I've been feeling? Do you use any of these apps? Do you have other great editing/planning tips? Leave me a comment or send me and email- I’m always down to chat with you babes, if you need to 


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