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Flexi Blades Explained

What makes them flexi, and what they are best for?

I'm just soo excited about the Black wrap on the new 18U Straight pens that I decided to do a mini feature and explain the BrowTab Flexi blades ✒️⁠

Flexi Blade- can also be referred to as F blade ⁠

Flexi means Flexible blade. ⁠

The blade is wrapped in PVC plastic- which makes the blade as whole more malleable AKA Flexible. ⁠

In comparison to a Hard blade- which is wrapped in metal.⁠

Flexi blades are more forgiving, and allow you to create more curved strokes.

🌟Pro Tip: With a Flexi blade you must have a firm grip on the pen, and make sure that your blade is always entering the skin at 90 degrees and staying at 90 degrees throughout your stroke. You do not want the blade to lean to one side or the other. This will create too wide of a stroke, and deposit the pigment improperly.⁠

Real Talk: It may seem a little silly that I'm soo excited over some black plastic wrap, but when I designed the BrowTab pens I was focused on a high quality blades, and making sure the pens had the right grip and were the right angled, that the color of PVC wrap never crossed my mind. There are so many little details when it comes to designing your own products. But I am so happy that I have gotten to the point where I know the quality and the make up of the blades and pens are so great that I can shift my focus and make little improvements that make me smile.⁠

If you have more questions about Flexi Blades or any BrowTab products, feel free to reach out.

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