Going back to work soon? How to keep yourself and your clients safe

 As some states and provinces are starting to slowly allow services providers to return to work- I thought it would be a great time to chat about policies and procedures to put in place in our salons to protect yourself and your clients.

This idea came about as I was chatting with another brow artist and friend of mine, who was worried about her state reopening too soon.  She realized that If she didn’t reopen when her state did, that she would be left behind and potentially lose her clients to other artist who did open.

I do believe that some truly loyal clients would wait for you, or return to you once you did open back up- but unfortunately, I think she is right in believing that she would lose clientele.

So how do you safely go back to work?

Let’s remember as beauty professionals, our sanitation standards are equally as high as medical facilities- we are known for keeping our salons and studio pristine, and this comes natural to us, its taught in all our introductory courses.

Don’t sell yourself short and forget that this is already a habit for you- You got this!

You will have to change a few procedures along the way, for better protection

So what can you do?

  • Allow only one client in the salon (or per service provider at a time)
    • No guest or children

  • When possible have clients wait outside or in their vehicle

  • Have both you and your client wear masks in the salon at all times
    • Make sure you are changing your masks between clients

  • Have both you and your clients wash hands before and after their service

  • Restrict the number of personal items clients bring into the salon
    • Keep phones, keys and other items in purses/cars when possible

  • No personal contact other than what is required for the service
    • No handshakes, hugs

  • Schedule extra time between clients to Sanitize
    • Wipe down all surfaces after each client, anything they may have touched- Doorknobs, POS equipment, light switches, bathrooms
    • Change linens, or use disposables
    • Gives you time to make sure clients are not overlapping

  • Use disposable items whenever possible

  • Update clients prior to appointment (email, phone, text) on the new policies and procedures in place to keep both you and them safe
    • Ask them to please respect these procedures and to ask questions
    • Share this information on your website, Instagram, Facebook
    • Share this information on front door or salon or studio
    • Remind of new policies in confirmation emails and texts

  • Temporarily suspend Late Cancelation Policy if clients are not feeling well to avoid them showing up ill and being sent home

  • Refuse to service clients who appear to be ill

  • Do not work if you are ill

  • If there is more than yourself in the salon- ensure your stations are 6 feet apart

  • Wash your hands often

  •  Always follow local regulations and guidelines


Do you have any other ideas to add? I would love to hear them- drop them in the comments or send me an email- I'm always down to chat


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